The FengShui (風水)Influence. (If you are unable to view Chinese characters and you wish to do so, select View, Encoding, More, Chinese (traditional or simplified).  If you cannot get the characters to display, call me and I'll walk you through it since it depends on your OS, and yes, I am around a computer very frequently).

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For those who are already familiar with FengShui, there are some links at the bottom of the page that might be of interest to you.

For those new to this area and wish to learn more, a very good introduction can be found here.  For some common FengShui FAQs (doors, ceilings, beams, roads, water, kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.) and do's and don'ts, click here.

One commonly glossed over item in FengShui and real estate by buyers is the fact that they tend to avoid houses with their main doors facing west (西 dying and going to heaven).  This is a misconception and is not suitably applied to every buyer.  In fact, these buyers have ignored their own personal birth information (based on birth date and birth hour) 命卦.  Some buyers would actually benefit from a west-facing house than others.  An authentic master would be able to tell buyers all they need to know about what kinds of directions would suit them best.  Because of this misconception, west-facing houses take a little longer to sell and are a better bargain for those who don't mind (or even benefit from) a west-facing house.  

Look this chart up for your favorable directions (East 東四命 or West 西四命).  If you don't find your year of birth or need to clarify how the directions are ordered, email me at

Year of Birth Male - Favorable Directions Female - Favorable Directions
1931 W, SW, NE, NW E, N, SE, S
1932 NE, NW, W, SW SE, S, E, N
1933 N, E, S, SE NE, NW, W, SW
1934 S, SE, N, E S, SE, N, E
1935 NE, NW, W, SW N, E, S, SE
1936 SE, S, E, N SW, W, NW, NE
1937 E, N, SE, S W, SW, NE, NW
1938 SW, W, NW, NE NW, NE, SW, W
1939 NW, NE, SW, W SW, W, NW, NE
1940 W, SW, NE, NW E, N, SE, S
1941 NE, NW, W, SW SE, S, E, N
1942 N, E, S, SE NE, NW, W, SW
1943 S, SE, N, E S, SE, N, E
1944 NE, NW, W, SW N, E, S, SE
1945 SE, S, E, N SW, W, NW, NE
1946 E, N, SE, S W, SW, NE, NW
1947 SW, W, NW, NE NW, NE, SW, W
1948 NW, NE, SW, W SW, W, NW, NE
1949 W, SW, NE, NW E, N, SE, S
1950 NE, NW, W, SW SE, S, E, N
1951 N, E, S, SE NE, NW, W, SW
1952 S, SE, N, E S, SE, N, E
1953 NE, NW, W, SW N, E, S, SE
1954 SE, S, E, N SW, W, NW, NE
1955 E, N, SE, S W, SW, NE, NW
1956 SW, W, NW, NE NW, NE, SW, W
1957 NW, NE, SW, W SW, W, NW, NE
1958 W, SW, NE, NW E, N, SE, S
1959 NE, NW, W, SW SE, S, E, N
1960 N, E, S, SE NE, NW, W, SW
1961 S, SE, N, E S, SE, N, E
1962 NE, NW, W, SW N, E, S, SE
1963 SE, S, E, N SW, W, NW, NE
1964 E, N, SE, S W, SW, NE, NW
1965 SW, W, NW, NE NW, NE, SW, W
1966 NW, NE, SW, W SW, W, NW, NE
1967 W, SW, NE, NW E, N, SE, S
1968 NE, NW, W, SW SE, S, E, N
1969 N, E, S, SE NE, NW, W, SW
1970 S, SE, N, E S, SE, N, E
1971 NE, NW, W, SW N, E, S, SE
1972 SE, S, E, N SW, W, NW, NE
1973 E, N, SE, S W, SW, NE, NW
1974 SW, W, NW, NE NW, NE, SW, W
1975 NW, NE, SW, W SW, W, NW, NE
1976 W, SW, NE, NW E, N, SE, S
1977 NE, NW, W, SW SE, S, E, N
1978 N, E, S, SE NE, NW, W, SW
1979 S, SE, N, E S, SE, N, E
1980 NE, NW, W, SW N, E, S, SE
1981 SE, S, E, N SW, W, NW, NE
1982 E, N, SE, S W, SW, NE, NW


Links to FengShui sites.

Master Chen (as seen on Taiwan TV)

Teacher Yu Yang (as seen on Taiwan TV) (based in Singapore)

World of FengShui (Lillian Too's

Lillian Too's website.


*For entertainment purposes only